February 17, 2025 | Other Activities
The Central Statistics Agency of Toba Regency in collaboration with the Communication and Informatics Service and the Regional Development Planning, Research and Development Agency (Bapelitbangda) of Toba Regency again held the Second Series of PESTA Toba on Monday (17/02/2025) in the Data Center Room, Toba Regent's Office. This event was held in conjunction with the FGD on the Preparation of the Toba Regency Publication in Figures 2025 and the Coordination Meeting for the Implementation of Toba Regency Sectoral Statistics 2025.
In this event, the Regent of Toba Ir. Poltak Sitorus, M.Sc. was also present and opened the event. He explained that statistics play an important role in development planning and evaluation. In development planning, accurate data plays a very important role, even used as the basis for SWOT analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats). It is expected that all Regional Apparatus (PD) are really serious in collecting data so that the data presented by BPS (especially in the Toba Regency in Figures Publication) is accurate and quality data, so that comprehensive data is available and can be utilized by all stakeholders.
In this event, appreciation was also given to two PD sat-set (very responsive in submitting data), namely 1) the Population and Civil Registration Service and 2) the Communication and Informatics Service, as well as the first participant who attended on-time at the event, namely: Tessalonika Lumbangaol, S.Pt from the Agriculture Service.
The first presentation by the Head of the Toba Regency Communication and Informatics Service, Sesmon T.B. Butarbutar, S.Pd, M.Si related to One Data at the Toba Regency Level. One Data Indonesia is a government governance policy to produce accurate, up-to-date, integrated and accountable data that is easy to access and share between central and regional agencies through the fulfillment of data standards, metadata, data interoperability, and using reference codes and master data. The implementation of SDI starts from data planning, data collection, data checking and data dissemination. Sesmon targets Toba Regency to achieve One Data at Toba Regency Level with a target value of the Statistical Development Index (IPS) of at least good (2.6 and above) in 2025, so that all PDs are expected to collaborate, one of which is through metadata collection.
The second material related to the Statistical Business Process was delivered by the Head of BPS Toba Regency, Sabar Alberto Harianja. The Statistical Business Process is a framework that serves as a guide when releasing official data. The Statistical Business Process (GSBPM/ Generic Statistical Business Process Model) starts from determining needs, designing, developing, collecting data, processing, analyzing, disseminating, to evaluating. In its implementation, SDI and GSBPM are two things that are in harmony. For example, a compilation of administrative products (kompromin) that does not require processing stages can apply the SDI stages, while a survey that applies the principle of opportunity can apply the GSBPM. Kompromin can be started by strengthening village officials. This is input for PDs to oversee the provision of quality statistical data through coaching for village officials. It is not only the task of BPS, Diskominfo, and Bappelitbangda, providing quality data is also the responsibility of all PDs. This year's IPS target certainly requires extraordinary efforts and cooperation between BPS and all PDs.
After the presentation, a discussion was held regarding data collection for the preparation of the Toba Regency Publication in Figures 2025. There were two questioners, namely from the Culture and Tourism Office and the Human Resources Development and Personnel Agency (BKPSDM). Continued with a quiz related to the material presented by the speakers. The participants were very enthusiastic about taking the quiz and there were two winners from this quiz. Then the event was closed by the Assistant for Government and Cooperation, Eston Sihotang, S.Pd. He reminded PDs to immediately finalize the contents of the Toba Publication in Figures 2025. Presentation of accurate and quality data is the responsibility of all OPDs and of course with collaboration with BPS.
Finally, the Toba Party will be a routine activity throughout 2025 to improve literacy in the implementation of sectoral statistics. Horas.
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia
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