January 22, 2025 | Other Activities
Coordination of Preparation for Sectoral Statistics Development in Toba Regency (PESTA Toba)
Sectoral Statistics Development (PSS) is an effort by the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) to improve literacy and competence of K/L/D/I in producing quality statistical data that is in accordance with statistical standards. This activity is carried out based on the mandate of Presidential Regulation No. 39 of 2019 concerning One Data Indonesia.
The Head of BPS Toba Regency, Sabar Alberto Harianja, together with the team coordinated and reported on the preparation of PSS. The BPS team consisted of Eirene Debora Manullang, Sartika C. Y. Pardede, Willyater Panjaitan and Janperik Tambunan. The team was received directly by the Regional Secretary (Sekda) of Toba Regency, Augus Sitorus at the Sekda Office on Wednesday, (22/1/2025).
The Sekda was accompanied by the Head of the Communication and Informatics Service (Kominfo), Sesmon TB Butarbutar, and the Head of Statistics and Encryption, Lamtiur Debataraja. In this discussion, Sabar Alberto Harianja explained that PSS will be followed by all Regional Apparatus Organizations (OPD) as data producers. The Toba Regency Sectoral Statistics Development Activity is named PESTA Toba and is scheduled to be held every month. The aim is to improve literacy and competence of Human Resources (HR) within the Toba Regency Government in order to produce quality sectoral data produced by OPD. PESTA Toba is a collaboration between BPS Toba as the Supervisor, Kominfo Toba as the Data Guardian and Bapelitbangda Toba as the coordinator of one data in Toba.
The Regional Secretary, Augus Sitorus, welcomed this initiative. In his direction, he emphasized the importance of this activity to improve HR competence in each OPD. Thus, the data produced will be of high quality, supporting better development planning in Toba Regency.
On the sidelines of the meeting, the Head of the Toba Regency Agriculture Service, Joni Hutajulu, was present and discussed with the Head of BPS regarding agricultural indicator data in Toba Regency. This discussion aims to support national priority programs such as Asta Cita related to food security and increasing the contribution of the agricultural sector to regional economic growth. Sabar Alberto Harianja also explained several agricultural indicators and BPS work programs planned to support data in this sector.
The PESTA Toba program is expected to be a strategic step in strengthening the quality of sectoral statistics in Toba Regency, in line with the vision of increasing data accuracy for better and more inclusive development planning. This program is expected to increase the Statistical Development Index (IPS) which is targeted to reach a good level in 2025. The Toba Regency Government expressed its commitment to supporting the implementation of this program. Horas.
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia
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