Coordination-Evaluation of Sectoral Statistics Implementation with the Toba Communication and Information Service - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Toba Regency

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Coordination-Evaluation of Sectoral Statistics Implementation with the Toba Communication and Information Service

Coordination-Evaluation of Sectoral Statistics Implementation with the Toba Communication and Information Service

November 5, 2024 | Other Activities

Toba, November 5, 2024 - The Central Statistics Agency (BPS) of Toba Regency and the Communication and Information Service (Kominfo) of Toba Regency held a coordination-evaluation meeting regarding the implementation of sectoral statistics in Toba Regency. This meeting was held at the BPS Office of Toba Regency, Jl. Somba Debata No. 5 Balige. The arrival of the Kominfo Service was warmly welcomed by the Head of BPS Toba Regency, Sabar Alberto Harianja, accompanied by the BPS Toba Regency team: Eirene Debora Simanullang, Maria Sintauli Hutauruk (Acting Public Relations), Meilani Thereza Saragih and Willyater Panjaitan.

This meeting discussed the agenda for preparing the Sectoral Statistics Institutional Development activities to be held by the Kominfo Service as well as evaluations of several previous meetings. The Head of the Kominfo Service, Sesmon Butar-Butar, emphasized the importance of the presence of all regional apparatuses in this event. This coaching is a strategic step to strengthen the implementation of sectoral statistics at the regional level so that data-based regional planning can be achieved. With this coaching, each Regional Apparatus (PD) is expected to have structured and complete data, which can be used to support various work programs according to their respective fields.

This Sectoral Statistics Institutional Coaching will present speakers from BPS Toba Regency, Bappelitbangda Toba Regency, and the Toba Regency Communication and Information Service, with the participation of PD as data producers in Toba Regency.

On this occasion, the meeting also discussed the preparation of the Evaluation of Sectoral Statistics Implementation (EPSS) in 2025. The Statistical Development Index (IPS) is expected to increase, reflecting the progress of sectoral statistics implementation in Toba Regency. This meeting recommends that sectoral statistics coaching be carried out more intensively, especially in PD, to improve the quality and relevance of sectoral data.

Eirene Debora Simanullang, Young Expert Computer Pranata, added that it is important for data producers to understand the benefits of sectoral statistics. "With a good understanding, data producers are expected to be more active in delivering sectoral metadata and submitting statistical recommendations," said Eirene. She emphasized that the process of collecting sectoral statistical metadata must begin with a good understanding of the flow and methodology of data collection.

Meanwhile, Lamtiur Debataraja, Head of Statistics and Encryption at the Communication and Information Service, highlighted various challenges that still need to be faced, including strengthening metadata, verifying e-validators, and optimizing the use of the One Data portal. "All of this work requires strong cooperation between the Communication and Information Service as the data validator and BPS as the Data Supervisor," she said.

The Communication and Information Service and BPS agreed to immediately complete the metadata and statistical recommendation targets this year. The Head of the Communication and Information Service, Sesmon Butar-Butar, appreciated the assistance and cooperation that had been established with the Toba Regency BPS. He hopes that with the strengthening of sectoral statistics, statistical data can be utilized optimally in compiling regional planning and budgeting documents.

The Head of the Toba Regency BPS, Sabar Alberto Harianja, also emphasized BPS's support in achieving the "One Data Toba Regency" target. BPS Toba Regency is committed to improving data dissemination through various media so that public statistical literacy continues to increase. With sectoral statistical coaching, PD in Toba Regency is expected to better understand the process of compiling sectoral statistical data, including data preparation, understanding the collection flow, and the importance of accurate and reliable data in supporting regional programs.

This increased coordination is expected to bring Toba Regency closer to planned regional development based on quality data. Horas.


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