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Coordination of the Implementation of e-Data Collection and Regional Sectoral Statistics

Coordination of the Implementation of e-Data Collection and Regional Sectoral Statistics

Coordination of the Implementation of e-Data Collection and Regional Sectoral Statistics

October 28, 2024 | Other Activities

Monday, October 28, 2024, 14.00-16.15 WIB BPS Toba Regency together with the Communication and Information Service and Bappelitbangda Toba coordinated the fulfillment of data needs in SIPD-RI (Regional Development Information System). The activity was carried out at the BPS Toba Regency Office, Jl. Somba Debata No. 5 Balige. The arrival of the Communication and Information Service and Bappelitbangda Team was welcomed by the Head of BPS Toba Regency, Sabar Alberto Harianja. The Head of BPS Toba Regency was accompanied by Martina Situmorang (Associate Expert Statistician), Eirene Debora Simanullang (Junior Expert Computer Technician), and Meilani Thereza Br. Saragih (First Expert Statistician). The implementation of E-Data Guardian in SIPD-RI is a form of strengthening in the Implementation of Sectoral Statistics for quality data-based planning. Gibson Sitinjak SSTP, Head of Research and Development Division of Bappelitbangda Toba Regency, said that the stages of implementing e-Walidata start from the Head of Regional Apparatus (PD) as the data producer completing the data entry for the last 5 (five) years. Furthermore, the Communication and Information Service as the data wali and BPS Toba as the data supervisor conduct an examination (validation and verification) of the data entry results with the aim of ensuring the fulfillment of the principles of One Data Indonesia. After the data processing is carried out by the PD, the data wali will disseminate Regional Sectoral Statistical Data (DSSD) and Regional Development Data through the integration of SIPD with the One Data Indonesia Portal, then stipulated by the Decree of the Regional Head. Bappelitbangda as the data secretariat acts as the admin for implementing e-walidata and will utilize sectoral statistical data for the preparation of regional planning and budgeting documents. Lamtiur Debataraja SE, Head of Statistics and Encryption Division of Diskominfo hopes that through the implementation of e-Walidata, BPS as the Data Supervisor can continue to cooperate and embrace OPD of Toba Regency to realize One Data Indonesia in the Scope of Toba Regency.

In closing, the Head of BPS of Toba Regency supports every step of the Toba Regency Government in achieving One Data of Toba Regency. Sabar Harianja hopes that BPS Toba together with Diskominfo Toba can immediately verify the data according to the mutually agreed deadline. Horas.


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