Institutional Capacity Building for Sectoral Statistics in 2024 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Toba Regency

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Institutional Capacity Building for Sectoral Statistics in 2024

Institutional Capacity Building for Sectoral Statistics in 2024

November 7, 2024 | Other Activities

Toba, November 7, 2024 – The Communication and Informatics (Kominfo) Office of Toba Regency carried out an activity to improve the institutional capacity of sectoral statistics with the theme "Towards One Data for Toba Regency." This event was held at the Data Center of the Regent's Office, Jalan Sutomo Pagar Batu No.1, Balige, and was opened by the Acting Regent of Toba who was represented by the Regional Secretary of Toba Regency, Drs. Augus Sitorus. This activity presented several speakers, including the Head of the Kominfo Office of Toba Regency, Sesmon Butar-Butar; Head of the Research and Development Division of Bappelitbangda of Toba Regency, Gibson Sitinjak SSTP; and the Head of BPS of Toba Regency who was represented by Eirene Debora Simanullang. The event was attended by all Regional Apparatus (PD) within the Toba Regency Government.

In his remarks, Drs. Augus Sitorus emphasized the importance of effective data collection and management to support appropriate decision-making for the welfare of the community. Based on the 2023 Sectoral Statistics Implementation Evaluation, Toba Regency achieved a Statistics Management Index (IPS) of 1.87 with the predicate "Sufficient." This year, the value increased to 2.36 with the same predicate. Drs. Augus Sitorus hopes that in the coming year, Toba Regency's IPS value can reach the "Good" category. He realized that this improvement requires cooperation between related agencies to overcome challenges in data collection and management.

Sesmon Butar-Butar, Head of the Toba Regency Communication and Information Service, explained the achievements of sectoral statistics in Toba Regency, and highlighted the challenges faced, such as the unintegrated statistical infrastructure and limited human resources in the field of statistics. According to Sesmon, optimizing the implementation of sectoral statistics requires support from all elements of the organizers of One Data for Toba Regency, namely BPS, the Communication and Information Service, heads of regional apparatuses, and regional apparatus secretaries throughout Toba Regency. The current IPS value for Toba Regency is still classified as sufficient, one of the reasons being that data collection from data producers has not been fully equipped with metadata and recommendations from BPS. Each regional apparatus is expected to submit data to the Toba Regency Data Administrator with the One Data Indonesia principle, so that in the next evaluation, Toba Regency is ready to present more comprehensive data.

Gibson Sitinjak SSTP added the importance of commitment from all regional apparatus to support the implementation of One Data Indonesia. He emphasized that quality data is the key to the success of regional government and development. Therefore, systematic data collection and good communication between regional apparatus are needed. Gibson hopes that Toba Regency can compile priority data that is an indicator of regional development achievements in a more transparent and accurate manner.

Eirene Debora Simanullang from BPS Toba Regency explained the importance of complete, accurate, and up-to-date statistical data to realize a reliable and efficient national statistical system. One of the principles of One Data Indonesia that is emphasized is the obligation of data producers to complete the data produced with metadata. Statistical metadata functions as information that describes the contents of statistical data. Eirene also emphasized that sectoral statistics organizers are required to inform BPS of sectoral statistical activity plans, follow the recommendations given, and submit the results of activities to BPS.

With the increase in capacity and competence of regional apparatus in managing and updating data sustainably, Toba Regency is expected to be closer to the goal of planned development based on quality data. Horas.


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