BPS Toba Regency Holds First Series of Sectoral Statistics Development - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Toba Regency

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BPS Toba Regency Holds First Series of Sectoral Statistics Development

BPS Toba Regency Holds First Series of Sectoral Statistics Development

January 31, 2025 | Other Activities

Friday, January 31, 2025 – The Central Statistics Agency (BPS) of Toba Regency, in collaboration with the Communication and Informatics Service (KOMINFO) of Toba Regency and the Regional Planning, Research, and Development Agency (BAPELITBANGDA), held the First Series of Sectoral Statistics Development. This activity was held online with the theme "The Role of Statistical Data in Regional Development."

The event was officially opened by the Assistant for General Administration of the Regional Secretariat of Toba Regency, Verry S. Napitupulu, SSTP, who represented the Regent of Toba Regency. Also present were the Head of BPS Toba Regency, Sabar Alberto Harianja, the Head of the Toba Regency Communication and Informatics Service, Sesmon T. Butar-butar, and representatives of Regional Apparatus Organizations (OPD) which are data producers in Toba Regency. This activity was attended by participants from various government agencies that play a role in collecting and processing data.

In his remarks, Verry S. Napitupulu appreciated this activity as a strategic step in improving the capacity and quality of data management at the regional level. He emphasized that the implementation of sectoral statistics requires active participation from all agencies and the community in order to produce accurate, quality, and accountable data.

"Success in managing and utilizing quality statistical data will greatly determine the effectiveness of development planning in Toba Regency," he said. He also emphasized the importance of increasing the capacity of human resources (HR) in collecting, processing, and utilizing statistical data so that every development policy is based on accurate and relevant information.

In line with this, the Head of the Toba Regency Communication and Information Service, Sesmon T. Butar-butar, emphasized that the development of sectoral statistics is part of an ongoing effort to improve the quality of regional data. "The implementation of integrated and quality sectoral statistics will greatly support more effective and efficient development planning," he said.

To increase interaction at the event, BPS Toba Regency also held a quiz session with attractive prizes. The winners of this session came from the Toba Regency Communication and Information Service and the Food Security Service (Ketapang). In addition, an award was given to the fastest participant who joined the Zoom room, which this time was won by a representative from the National Unity and Politics Service (Kesbangpol).

This activity is expected to continue to strengthen the sectoral statistics system in Toba Regency, as well as create more accurate, transparent, and targeted development planning and evaluation. Horas.


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