Ubinan Survey Based on KSA - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Toba Regency

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Ubinan Survey Based on KSA

Ubinan Survey Based on KSA

June 16, 2020 | BPS Activities

Toba Regency is one of the regencies in the Agriculture Sector which is the biggest contributor to the GRDP of around 30.85 percent because it is an agricultural sector that must be considered because it is important and also important for many people.

One of BPS's efforts in income data in the agricultural sector. One of the food crops is through the Tile Survey conducted by the KSA method. The purpose of this survey is to calculate rice / rice production. KSA is a method developed by BPPT that was developed with BPS in order to improve methods related to harvested area data. The method is carried out in a more objective and modern way using technological tools, so that the agricultural data collected becomes more accurate and timely.
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