Inter Regional Trade Survey 2018 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Toba Regency

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Inter Regional Trade Survey 2018

Inter Regional Trade Survey 2018

August 3, 2018 | BPS Activities

Based on the regulation of the MINISTER of TRADE, NO. 29 / M-DAG / PER / 5/2017 CONCERNING INTER-ISLAND TRADE, inter-island trade is a trading activity and / or distribution of goods from one island to another in one province or between provinces, carried out by inter-island trade operators by way of crossing the goods using sea or river transportation. In this way, trade between regions can be interpreted as trading and distributing goods from one province to another in different countries.
The availability of different commodity needs in each province and the high disparity of prices of staple goods between regions made the factors driving trade between regions. Therefore, BPS holds an Inter-regional Trade Survey 2018. The results can be used as an effort to get an overview of trade maps between regions, in this case the boundary is the province, as a reference for the construction of an efficient trade distribution system and also to obtain trade values ??and volumes between regions .
Its coverage area covers 294 districts / cities including Toba Samosir Regency with a total sample of 13 (thirteen) with officers from BPS.
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