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Various surveys conducted at BPS. Let's provide true and accurate data for the sake of quality data for nation building.
Mapping and Updating Statistical Work Areas SP2020
April 1, 2019 | BPS Activities
Population Census (SP) 2020 is the 7th population census since Indonesia's independence. Since 2018, preparations for the SP2020 master framework have been made. One of the work units responsible for compiling and developing the BPS framework is the Directorate of Census Methodology Development and the Central Statistics Agency Survey (BPS) is implementing the preparation and development of the parent framework. The complete, accurate, relevant, and up-to-date master framework in the statistical work area will serve as the basis for planning and conducting BPS census and surveys.
The master framework made by BPS all this time consists of maps and BS contents. Along with the development of science and technology, the development of the parent framework continues. In principle, the indusory framework that is built is to meet the needs of BPS census and survey activities using various statistical methods.
The implementation of the mapping and updating activities of the SP2020 Statistical Working Area was carried out in all villages / kelurahan in 514 districts / cities. This activity consists of two stages, namely the first phase of field activities (Mapping and Updating Wilkerstat SP2020) and the second stage of processing activities (Map Processing and RD). The mapping and updating of the SP2020 statistical work area in Toba Samosir Regency covers 244 villages / kelurahan. For the Toba Samosir Regency area, there were 87 mapping officers consisting of 67 mapping officers and 20 supervisors.
Hopefully the SP2020 Mapping and Updating activities of the Statistics Working Area will run smoothly and the results can be used to further advance the persistence of statistics in Indonesia. Spirit!