Coordination with the Head of Social Services and the Regional Secretary of Toba Regarding DTSEN - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Toba Regency

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Coordination with the Head of Social Services and the Regional Secretary of Toba Regarding DTSEN

Coordination with the Head of Social Services and the Regional Secretary of Toba Regarding DTSEN

February 27, 2025 | Other Activities

The National Economic Statistics Single Data (DTSEN) is a single database of individuals and/or families containing the socio-economic conditions of the Indonesian population. DTSEN has been matched with population data. DTSEN is also used to support the integration of national development programs and synergy between Ministries, Institutions and Regional Governments. This aims to make development more measurable and sustainable. In accordance with Presidential Instruction Number 4 of 2025 concerning DTSEN, the Ministry of Social Affairs synchronizes with the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) in producing DTSEN.

The Head of BPS Toba Regency, Sabar Alberto Harianja together with the team coordinated regarding DTSEN 2025 to the Toba Regency Social Service. The BPS team consists of Fitri Agustina and Manogar Sitorus. The team was received directly by the Head of the Toba Regency Social Service, Lalo Hartono Simanjuntak in his office on Wednesday, (26/02/2025). The Head of the Service was accompanied by the Head of the Social Protection and Security Division, R. Adil Manurung.

In the coordination, the Head of BPS Toba Regency said that there will be a DTSEN Ground Checking in Toba Regency in 2025. The role of BPS is to assist the training process for standardized PKH assistants and provide instructors. In addition, assisting the process of monitoring ground checking in the field through coordination and communication between the Provincial and Regency/City BPS with the Regional Government through the relevant Office and assisting in monitoring the Ground Checking (GC) in the field. Officer training will be held on February 27, 2025 online via virtual zoom for 1 effective day. The officers trained are 25 PKH assistants from Toba Regency.

The Head of the Toba Regency Social Service welcomed the arrival of the Head of BPS and the team and supported the GC DTSEN collaboration. The Head of the Social Service also explained the role of the Ministry of Social Affairs through PKH Assistants who will conduct field checks to ensure the existence of Inclusion and Exclusion Error families and individuals with inactive NIK. The Head of the Social Service supports the PKH Companion training which will be held on February 27, 2025. The Head of the Social Service hopes that the collaboration between BPS and the Ministry of Social Affairs will be able to produce quality and accurate data to realize one Indonesian data.

Furthermore, the Head of BPS and the Team along with the Head of the Social Service coordinated with the Regional Secretariat (Sekda). The team was received directly by the Regional Secretary, Augus Sitorus, at the Sekda Office. The Head of the Social Service conveyed the collaboration between the Ministry of Social Affairs and BPS in implementing the 2025 DTSEN, explained about DTSEN and the purpose of the data collection. The Sekda supports the DTSEN activities in Toba Regency. He hopes that the data that will be produced will truly describe the conditions of the community who are eligible to receive assistance in Toba Regency. The Regional Secretary also reminded to maintain data accountability without any tendencies from any party. Horas.


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