Training of Population Census Long Form Officer 2020 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Toba Regency

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Training of Population Census Long Form Officer 2020

Training of Population Census Long Form Officer 2020

May 8, 2022 | BPS Activities

The series of SP2020 activities are divided into two stages, namely population data collection using a simple questionnaire (short form) in 2020 and then followed by data collection using a more detailed questionnaire (long form) through a sample census activity in 2021. Output from the stages in 2020 is the total population of Indonesia which is broken down into several variables. Meanwhile, data related to demographic parameters such as births, deaths, and migration as well as other important information to produce indicators for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the RPJMN in the population sector will be obtained through data collection from the sample census in 2021. The SP2020 sample census activity is hereinafter referred to as as a SP2020 long form data collection activity.
This Long Form SP2020 activity aims to:
1. Estimating the number, distribution and composition of the population.
2. Obtain data for calculating demographic parameters including births, deaths, and migration.
3. Source of data from the Maternal Mortality Rate indicator.
4. Updating the data to be used in calculating population projections. 5. Provide data on population and housing characteristics.
6. Source of data from population indicators for SDGs that cannot be obtained from other sources.
This training activity will be carried out throughout Indonesia, where for the Toba Regency area starting from 8-14 May 2022. The SP2020 Long Form field activity will be carried out from 15-31 May 2022 which is the stage of updating the field and field data collection activities will be carried out during 30 days from June 1-30 2022. Let's make this data collection activity a success for the sake of quality data.
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